Child minders
In general, you should start looking when you realise you are pregnant.
You can get a list of child minders from the "service petite enfance" from your local Town Hall, from the "service de Protection Maternelle et Infantile" (PMI) or from your nearest "Relais petite enfance".
A written employment contract is obligatory and must be negotiated between the employer and employee.
By filling in a form and sending it off to the "Caisse d'Allocations Familiales" (CAF) for your residential area. The forms for "déclaration de situation" and for "demande de complément de libre choix mode de garde" can be downloaded on the internet from the CAF website. Then, the CAF sends the information to the "Pajemploi" (URSSAF) office who then register you as the employer.
When you have registered with the "centre Pajemploi", they will send you a "carnet Pajemploi" which you can use to declare your child minder's monthly salary. Pajemploi will use this information to create your child minder's pay slip.
If you are a European Union national, you may submit a request for financial assistance from the CAF family allowance "complément de libre choix du mode de garde pour l'emploi d'une assistant(e) maternel(le) agréé(e)".
Conditions are:
- the child must be under 6 years old.
- must declare their child minder at the URSSAF within 8 days of employing them.
- must not pay the child minder more than 5 times the gross Smic per day per child.
For qualifying persons, the CAF pays part of your child minder's salary (based on revenue) and social contributions.
When calculating the amount awarded, the CAF take into account family allowances received from CERN (employed member of the personnel) or from the home institute (for the associated member of the personnel).