Political activity/opinions
In principle, you may, keeping in mind your obligations of tact, discretion and refraining from any act which may harm the reputation of CERN. You should consider the importance of the office for which the candidate is running; your level of visibility within CERN; and, the level of publicity that may be given to your support.
Private legal obligations
Private matters remain private insofar as they do not reflect negatively upon the reputation of CERN. However, there are times when private matters reflect poorly on a CERN contributor and, by extension, on CERN itself. CERN contributors are therefore expected to ensure that they comply with applicable laws with respect to the discharge of their civil obligations, and, in particular, paying bills, ordered sums of alimony and child support.
Privileges and immunities
No. All CERN personnel, regardless of grade, are subject to national traffic laws. For example, should you incur any speeding tickets, you are expected to pay the fine(s).
Conduct on the road can reflect upon CERN’s reputation, especially where it concerns a car that is identifiable as belonging to CERN or to a CERN staff member. If you are entitled to a CD plate, you should understand that you are a role model and, if anything, try to go beyond minimum requirements.
Q: I must complete an application form for my children to attend the “Centre de loisirs”. It asks about my family income. As my income as a CERN staff member is exempt from national taxation, what implications does this have if I apply for public benefits based on taxable income (means-tested benefits)?
A: You should refrain from taking advantage of your status in order to obtain benefits for which you would not qualify if your income as a CERN staff member were taken into account. Such benefits, normally reserved for low-income categories of the population, include interest-free mortgages, low-rent public sector housing and the lowest charges for education or supervision of children
Q: I need consultancy services for a very technical aspect of a project study that should be completed quickly. I know of a consultancy company that I trust, since I have worked with them in the past. Given the time pressures we are under, may I skip the tender process and issue a contract immediately?
A: You should carefully manage CERN’s resources and comply with the procurement procedures, which are available on the Finance and Procurement Department web site. In your case, even if the contract sum is below the applicable thresholds for the tender process, you should consider what is in the best interests of CERN and avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest. If you are unsure, contact the Finance and Procurement Department for advice.
It may be possible to address the issue with discretion and tact during the seminar. You should share your feelings and reaction directly with your colleague, asking for an explanation. If, after this, you still feel the same, discuss the matter with your hierarchy, or that of your colleague if applicable.