Intimate relationships
Q: Our Group Leader is having an intimate relationship with a member of the group. Several of us feel that this member has been given unfair advantages including promotions and representation opportunities for a few years now and it is having an increasingly de-motivating effect. How can we communicate this upwards without losing credibility?
A: You should prepare a factual summary with your colleagues and contact your hierarchy, the Human Resources Department or the Ombuds Office.
You should first recognize that statements not intended to be offensive may still be perceived as such. An effective way to handle this situation is to apologize to the person for the remark and to exercise greater caution in the future.
As a CERN contributor, you should use and promote the use of both English and French. In this case, you should tactfully propose the language that best facilitates communication. To the extent possible, all participants should be encouraged to express themselves in the working language in which they feel most comfortable.
Q: Our team meetings are always conducted in English. I understand that not everyone speaks French well, but it is my mother tongue and I believe I should be entitled to use it. After all, we have two working languages at CERN. How should I best express my need to participate in French rather than English?
A: You are absolutely correct that we work in both English and French, and it is acceptable and appropriate to communicate in either language. But language skills vary among contributors. You should discuss the issue of language with the facilitator of the team meetings, bearing in mind that an attitude of tolerance is expected, combined with a genuine attempt to ensure effective communication.
If the journalist’s questions or the article concerns matters directly related to the scientific activities of CERN, you may communicate about these matters honesty and openly. You are required to advise the Press Office about the communication ( However, if the journalist’s question concerns your personal opinion as to the functioning or activities of CERN, you must refer the journalist to the Press Office. If the article concerns these matters, you must first obtain the written authorisation of the Director-General.
All requests by journalists to visit CERN should be referred to the Press Office. The Press Office organizes around 500 media visits on site per year, and handles many media inquiries every day.